SCHLUETER REALTY      507-665-8813Schlueter Realty

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1329 North Commerce

Le Sueur, MN  56058


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Extracts from City of Le Sueur Zoning Ordinance (2002)

This information is deemed reliable; but is not warranted, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change. We assume no liability for error.  Please verify all information at Le Sueur City Offices

Article VIII.  Performance Standards

Sec. 27-50.  Manufactured Homes

Manufactured homes shall be permitted in R-3 and R-4 residential districts as set forth in Article VII, only if they meet the following minimum standards:

  1. Exceed twenty-four (24) feet in length.
  2. Have a minimum floor area of 800 square feet.
  3. The dwelling is placed on a permanent foundation.
  4. All other requirements of state law and City codes are met.